Saturday, August 11, 2012

Module 6

Asynchronous versus Synchronous Communication

Bernard, R. M., Abrami, P. C., Borokhovski, E., Wade, C. A., Tamin, R. M., et al. (2009). A meta-analysis of three types of interaction treatments in distance education. Review of Educational Research, 79(3), 1243-1249.
Beyth-Marom, R., Saporta, K., Caspi, A. (2005).  Synchronous vs. asynchronous tutorials: Factors affecting students’ preferences and choices. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 37(3), 245-262.
Branon, R. F., Essex, C. (2001). Synchronous and asynchronous communication tools in distance education.  Tech Trends, 45(1), 36-37.
Cao, Q., Griffin, T. E., Bai, X. (2009). The importance of synchronous interaction for student satisfaction with course web sites. Journal of Information Systems Education, 20(3), 331-338.
Heirdsfield, A., Walker, S., Tambyah, M., & Beutel, D. (2011). Blackboard as an Online Learning Environment: What Do Teacher Education Students and Staff Think?. Australian Journal Of Teacher Education, 36(7), 1-16.
Koskinen, H. (2010). From Synchronous Face-to-Face Communication to Asynchronous Online Interaction: A Case from the Veterinary Medical Education. International Journal Of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5(1), 127-137.
Murphy, E., Rodriguez-Manzanares, M. A., & Barbour, M. (2011). Asynchronous and Synchronous Online Teaching: Perspectives of Canadian High School Distance Education Teachers. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 42(4), 583-591.
Riordan, E., & Murray, L. (2010). A corpus-based analysis of online synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication within language teacher education. Classroom Discourse, 1(2), 181-198. doi:10.1080/19463014.2010.514728
Sherman, W. H., Crum, K. S., & Beaty, D. M. (2010). Perspectives on Distance Technology in Leadership Education: Transfer, Meaning, and Change. Journal Of Research On Leadership Education, 5(13), 589-610.
Speece, M. (2012). Learning Style, Culture and Delivery Mode in Online Distance Education. US-China Education Review A, (1a), 1-12.


  1. While watching your video, I was carried away with the cartoon format conversation. The entire conversation identified most of the advantages of online learning, and the questions raised are what bother many learners. I loved the innovative way of embedding your personal narration midway the conversation. I am interested in the tools and would like to know if they are free resources. I am a bit curious, did you create the cartoon clips or is it an embedded video from another source?

  2. Hi Aderonke,

    Thank you for the kind comments. I wrote a script and then typed the dialog in for the cartoon in a free web-based program called GoAnimate. It is extremely easy to use. When that was completed, I uploaded it as a movie file. I made the slide images in PPT and output them as movie files. I used QuickTime for the screencast images - also as movie files. I then put it all together and added voice from my Mac microphone using Imovie. Both Imovie and Quicktime were part of my Mac's basic setup so they were free to me in a sense. I understand they can be quite expensive if purchased separately.

    I just realized that I have a ADA compliant script for the entire video that I never posted anywhere. I should have done that at first.


  3. Aderonke,

    As I read through my response, I realize that I forgot the "traditional" movie clips. I used my Iphone to shoot the video on the airplane and such. It went into the Imovie mix along with all the other stuff.


  4. Jerianne,
    I really enjoyed your video. You hit some very good reasons as why people choose distance education. At the same time you gave concerns that some people have. I love the background music


  5. Thanks so much for your comments, Keisha. I enjoyed visiting and sharing with you on Skype. Best of luck to you in you future courses.


  6. Jeri,

    Loved your video! GoAnimate is one of my favorite tools. Just for those who don't know, they do have GoAnimate for Education that is discounted.

    Your movie was creatively done, and seamless in transitions. I also enjoyed your explanation of synchronous and asynchronous - it was very clear and to the point, with time given to pros and cons of each type.


  7. Thanks for the positive comments. I loved working with GoAnimate. It is easy and fast. I am considering making cartoon intros for some of my class "lectures" at school for next year.

    Keep working hard on that prospectus!


  8. Jeriann,
    I loved the way you combined your GoAnimate video with your slides and narration. The background music you selected also added to the presentation; it was in no way a distraction. I like how you presented the ideals of asynchronous and synchronous learning through a conversation. It made it very relaxing and easy to comprehend. I also like at the end your example of the cavemen.

  9. Jeriann,

    The way you define asynchronous and asynchronous learning are hilarious! Not wanting to wake up early, having adequate 'think time' before having to speak in class, and being able to review the subject matter prior to contributing to class discussion - those are all great reasons why most students love distant learning, I'm sure, and were well incorporated into your presentation! The implications for education that you listed are quite helpful and tie the topic back to education for the listener/viewer.

    Thanks for initiating yours, mine, and LaKeisha’s Skype conversation Wednesday night. Hope your first week back to school goes great.

    Excellent project!

  10. That is a way cool way to get kids (me too) involved. Have you used the GoAnimate in a class? Nice presentation!


  11. Jeriann,

    Your video was well planned and has a very professional quality to it. The characters explaining the differences and benefits of asynchronous and synchronous was a delightful way to introduce your topic. GoAnimate seems like a great tool, I will add it to my list of resources.


  12. Jeff,

    I have used GoAnimate videos that I found on YouTube. This is the first one that I created on my own. The site is so easy to use. I am planning to make several for this coming school year.

  13. Jeriann,
    That animated video was amazing. Your video presentation kept my attention from beginning to end. It was also very informative. Thank you for sharing the website with us, so we can also make our own animated videos for our own classrooms. Fantastic work!
