Saturday, July 7, 2012

Third attempt at inserting slides for storyboard.  I have removed the formatting in case that is a problem.  Sorry for the unattractive display, but hopefully the information will be visible.

1.  Title shot:  Asynchronous versus Synchronous Communication
2.  Definition of Asynchronous Communication – communication that takes place without face to face – not same time and same place
3.  Examples of Asynchronous Communication – pictures and word bubbles for texting, you tube, blogs, wikis, discussion boards, Prezi, Glogster, books, email

4.  Advantages/Strengths of Asynchronous Communicationstudent centered, self paced, able to think, permanent record, sense of permanence, edit and change work, repetition of lessons, equal access, questions anytime
5.  Disadvantages/Weaknesses of Asynchronous Communication – limited personal interaction, difficult to monitor ethics and morals, expensive intro, requires tech skills, isolation
6.  Educational Implications – Differentiated instruction, individual instruction, repetition/individual pacing, remediation, acceleration, freedom of time and place for instruction
7.  Definition of Synchronous Communication – Communication that occurs at the same time and possibly at the same place
8.  Examples of Synchronous Communication – live sporting events, concerts, phone calls, video conferences, class lectures, oral story telling, cocktail parties, group meetings    
9.  Advantages/Strengths of Synchronous Communication – body language, non-verbal clues, brainstorming, extensive interaction, building of community
10. Disadvantages/Weaknesses of Synchronous Communicationno self-pacing, requirement of physical presence, travel/time zones, problems with technology, errors in presentation
11.  Implications for Education – access to education opportunities previously unavailable, life long learning, permanency of discussion elements
12.  Research Studies – Heirdsfield, Walker, Tambyah, Beutel
13.  Research Studies – Sherman, Crum, Beaty, 2010
14.  Research Studies – Koskinen, 2010 
15.  Research Studies – Speece, 2012
16.  Research Studies – Riordan & Murray, 2010 
17.  Research Studies – Murphy, Rodriguez-Manzanares, & Barbour, 2011
18.  Research implications for education – emphasis on course design, balancing customer demand with valid pedagogy, research on pedagogy adherence in online environments 

19.   Summary Comparison – asynchronous environment highly desirable for adult education; expands learning opportunities by providing equal access; more research for K-12 opportunities to expand student oriented learning
20.  References – APA references of research studies listed above 




  1. I like the flow of your ideas for your presentation. Will you include webcam possibilities as part of the body language aspect of communication?

  2. Jeriann,

    I agree with Chris. Webcam and Skype uses are great methods of synchronous communication.

    You've done a lot of work towards completing your storyboard and video! Any idea how you will shoot it: videotape yourself reading/speaking about your topic? Find a video on the WWW? I'm not sure how to begin!

    I should have my storyboard posted in the next hour or so. Please check it out and provide feedback for me at

    Thank you!

  3. Chris & Toni,

    Chris - Great idea on the webcam. I did not think of that one. I will certainly add it to the list.

    Toni - I think that I am going to use Imovie. I will probably do a slide slow type of product with voiceover. Since 50%+ has to be original, I do not want to use video from the web. I don't really have a video camera that would work for the project so I guess I will have to do the slide clips with fly in photo options. You can set that with timings and then turn the whole thing in to a movie.

    I would love to hear both of your ideas on how to proceed. I don't really want to have to invest money in equipment. Any other suggestions?


  4. Jeriann,
    Your storyboard is quite comprehensive. For inserting slides, I made an attempt, but I ended up using Google docs with embedded code.
